Laser 3D Manufacturing
- Jian Liu, S. Bai, "Femtosecond Laser Additive Manufacturing of Multi-Material Layered Structures," Applied Sciences, 2020, 10, 979; doi:10.3390/app10030979
- Jian Liu, S. Bai, "Femtosecond laser additive manufacturing of YSZ," Appl. Phys. A (2017) 123:293. DOI 10.1007/s00339-017-0929-y
- Jian Liu, C. Deng, S. Bai, "Glass Surface Metal Deposition with High-Power Femtosecond Fiber Laser," Appl. Phys. A (2016) 122:1064. DOI 10.1007/s00339-016-0603-9
- S. Bai, L. Yang, and J. Liu, "Manipulation of Microstructure in Laser Additive Manufacturing," Appl. Phys. A (2016) 122:495. DOI 10.1007/s00339-016-0023-x
- S. Bai, J. Liu, P. Yang, M. Zhai, H. Huang, L. Yang, "Femtosecond Fiber Laser Additive Manufacturing of Tungsten." SPIE 9738-24 (Invited Talk), Photonics West'2016, San Francisco, CA, February 15-18, 2016.
- Bai Nie, Huan Huang, Shuang Bai, and Jian Liu, "Femtosecond Laser Melting and Resolidifying of High-Temperature Powder Materials." Applied Physics A 118, no. 1, 37-41 (2015).
- Bai Nie, Lihmei Yang, Huan Huang, Shuang Bai, Peng Wan, and Jian Liu, "Femtosecond Laser Additive Manufacturing of Iron and Tungsten Parts." Applied Physics A (2015), DOI: 10.1007/s00339-015-9070-y.
Nonlinear Imaging and Microscopy
- Jian Liu and Lihmei Yang, "Move Over, Solid-State Lasers – Femtosecond Fiber Lasers Are Here," Laser Focus World, April 1, 2010.
- Yan-Hua Zhai, et al., "Multimodal Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman Pectroscopic Imaging with a Fiber Optical Parametric Oscillator," Applied Physics Letters 98, 191106 (2011).
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- Shuo Tang, et al., "Developing Compact Multiphoton Systems Using Femtosecond Fiber Lasers," Journal of Biomedical Optics, Vol. 14(3), 030508-1, May/June 2009.
- Yu Wang, et al., "Fiber-Laser-Based Photoacoustic Microscopy and Melanoma Cell Detection," Journal of Biomedical Optics 16(1), 011014 (January 2011).
- Jian Liu and Lihmei Yang, "Femtosecond Fiber Lasers for Biomedical Solutions," SPIE paper 8551-15, SPIE Photonics Asia, 5 - 7 November 2012, Beijing, China.
- Kartikeya Murari, Yuying Zhang, Shenping Li, Yongping Chen, Ming-Jun Li, and Xingde Li, "Compensation-Free, All-Fiber-Optic, Two-Photon Endomicroscopy at 1.55 µm," Opt. Lett. 36, 1299-1301 (2011).
- Jian Liu, Lihmei Yang, et al., "ns and fs Fiber Lasers," (Invited Talk), FILAS 2011, February 16-18, 2011, Turkey.
- Huan Huang, Lih-Mei Yang, Jian Liu, "Femtosecond Fiber Laser Direct Writing of Optical Waveguide in Glasses," (Invited Talk), SPIE Nanophotonics and Macrophotonics for Space Environment V, August 21-25, 2011, San Diego, USA.
- Huan Huang, Lih-Mei Yang, Jian Liu, "Direct Welding of Fused Silica With Femtosecond Fiber Laser," Proc. SPIE 8244, 824403 (2012).
- Neil Troy; Luke B. Fletcher; Signo T. Reis; Richard K. Brow; Huan Huang; Lihmei Yang; Jian Liu; Denise M. Krol, "Structural Modification in Er-Yb Doped Zinc Phosphate Glasses with Megahertz Repetition Rate Femtosecond Pulses," Proc. SPIE 8247, 82470U, 2012.
- Pavel Mardilovicha1, Luke Fletcher, Neil Troy, Lihmei Yang, Huan Huang, Subhash Risbud and Denise M. Krol, "Ultrafast Laser Processing of Hybrid Micro- and Nano-Structures in Silicate Glasses," MRS Proceedings 1365, 2011.
- Huan Huang, Lih-Mei Yang, Jian Liu, "Ultra-Short Pulsed Fiber Laser Welding and Sealing of Transparent Materials," Applied Optics, (2011).
- Huan Huang, Lih-Mei Yang, Jian Liu, "Femtosecond Fiber-Laser-Based Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy," SPIE Defense, Security, and Sensing Conference, 23-27 April 2012, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, paper 8358-43.
- Huan Huang, Lih-Mei Yang, Jian Liu, "Nanofabrication with UV Femtosecond Fiber Laser," Natotech Conference & Expo 2012, 18-21 June 2012, Santa Clara, CA, USA, paper 227.
- Huan Huang, Lih-Mei Yang, Jian Liu, "Femtosecond Fiber Laser-Based Micro- and Nano-Processing," (Invited Paper), SPIE 8519-10, 12-16 August 2012, San Diego, California, United States.
- Jian Liu, Huan Huang, Lihmei Yang, "High Energy Ultrafast Fiber Lasers and Applications,"(Invited Paper) 2012 OSA Laser and Tera-Hertz Science and Technology (LTST) meeting, November 1-2, 2012, Wuhan, China.
- Huan Huang, Lih-Mei Yang, and Jian Liu, "Micro-hole Drilling with Femtosecond Fiber Laser," SPIE Photonics West 8607-19, February 2-7, 2013, San Francisco, CA, USA.
- Huan Huang, Lih-Mei Yang, and Jian Liu, "Micro-hole Drilling and Cutting with Femtosecond Fiber Laser, Optical Engineering 53(5), 051513 (May 2014).
- Huan Huang, Lih-Mei Yang, Shuang Bai, and Jian Liu, "Femtosecond Fiber Laser Welding of Dissimilar Metals, Appl. Opt. 53, 6569-6578 (2014).
- H Huang, LM Yang, S Bai, J Liu "Blackening of Metals Using Femtosecond Fiber Laser," Applied Optics Vol. 54, Iss. 2, pp. 324-333 (2015).
- Xi Zhang,Hewei Liu, Xuezhen Huang and Hongrui Jiang, "One-step Femtosecond Laser Patterning of Light-Trapping Structure on Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell Photoelectrodes," J. Mater. Chem. C, 2015, 3, 3336-3341
- Hewei Liu, Yinggang Huang, and Hongrui Jiang, "Artificial Eye for Scotopic Vision with Bioinspired All-Optical Photosensitivity Enhancer," PNAS, April 12, 2016, vol. 113 , no. 15, 3982-3985
- Xuezhen Huang, Hewei Liu, Xi Zhang, and Hongrui Jiang, "High Performance All-Solid-State Flexible Micro-Pseudocapacitor Based on Hierarchically Nanostructured Tungsten Trioxide Composite," Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2015, 7, 27845-27852
Tissue Ablation and Micro & Nano Surgery
- Jian Liu, Huan Huang, Lihmei Yang, "High Energy Ultrafast Fiber Lasers and Applications,"(Invited Paper) 2012 OSA Laser and Tera-Hertz Science and Technology (LTST) meeting, November 1-2, 2012, Wuhan, China.
- Huan Huang, Lih-Mei Yang, and Jian Liu, "Micro-hole Drilling with Femtosecond Fiber Laser," SPIE Photonics West 8607-19, February 2-7, 2013, San Francisco, CA, USA.
- Fiber Lasers at the Cutting Edge of Surgery," BIOPHOTONICS April 2013, (Feature Article).
- H Huang, LM Yang, S Bai, J liu; "Smart Surgical Tool," J. Biomed. Opt., 20(2), 028001 (2015).
Precision Optical Comb and Spectroscopy
- W. C. Swann and N. R. Newbury, "Frequency-Resolved Coherent Lidar Using a Femtosecond Fiber Laser," Optics Letters / Vol. 31, No. 6 / March 15, 2006.
- I. Coddington*, W. C. Swann, L. Nenadovic and N. R. Newbury, "Rapid and Precise Absolute Distance Measurements at Long Range," Nature Photonics | VOL 3 | P. 351, JUNE 2009.
- Huan Huang, Lih-Mei Yang, Jian Liu, "Femtosecond Fiber-Laser-Based Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy," SPIE Defense, Security, and Sensing Conference, 23-27 April 2012, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, paper 8358-43.
- Huan Huang, Lih-Mei Yang, and Jian Liu, "Qualitative Assessment of Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectra Generated with a Femtosecond Fiber Laser," Appl. Opt. 51, 8669-8676 (2012).
- Charles W. Rudy, Alireza Marandi, Kirk A. Ingold, Stephen J. Wolf, Konstantin L. Vodopyanov, Robert L. Byer, Lihmei Yang, Peng Wan, and Jian Liu, "Sub-50 fs Pulses Around 2070 nm from a Synchronously-Pumped, Degenerate OPO," Opt. Express 20, 27589-27595 (2012).
Defense and Aerospace
- Lih-Mei Yang, Peng Wan, Vladimir Protopopov, and Jian Liu, "2 µm Femtosecond Fiber Laser at Low Repetition Rate and High Pulse Energy," Optics Express Vol. 20, No. 5, 5683, 27 February 2012.
- Jian Liu, Lihmei Yang, et al., "ns and fs Fiber Lasers," (Invited Talk), FILAS 2011, February 16-18, 2011, Turkey.
- R. Romero-Alvarez, R. Pettus, Z. Wu, and D. Strickland, "Two-color Fiber Amplifier for Short-Pulse, Mid-Infrared Generation," Optics Letters Vol. 33, No. 10, 1065, May 15, 2008.
- Peng Wan, Jian Liu, "Compact Pulsed High-Energy Er:Glass Laser," in Solid State Lasers XXI: Technology and Devices, Proceedings of SPIE 8235, 82351Y (2012).
- Peng Wan, Jian Liu, Lih-Mei Yang and Farzin Amzajerdian, "Pulse Shaping Fiber Laser at 1.5 µm," Applied Optics, 51, 214-219 (2012).
- Peng Wan, Jian Liu, Lih-Mei Yang and Farzin Amzajerdian, "Low Repetition Rate High Energy 1.5 µm Fiber Laser," Optics Express, 19, 18067-18071 (2011).
- Huan Huang, Lih-Mei Yang, Jian Liu, "Femtosecond Fiber-Laser-Based Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy," SPIE Defense, Security, and Sensing Conference, 23-27 April 2012, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, paper 8358-43.
- Peng Wan, Lih-Mei Yang, and Jian Liu, "High Pulse Energy 2 µm Femtosecond Fiber Laser," Opt. Express 21, 1798-1803 (2013).
- Peng Wan, Lih-Mei Yang and Jian Liu, "156 micro-J Ultrafast Thulium-Doped Fiber Laser," SPIE Photonics West 8601-117, February 2-7, 2013, San Francisco, CA, USA.
- Peng Wan, Lih-Mei Yang, and Jian Liu, "High Power 2 µm Femtosecond Fiber Laser," Opt. Express 21, 21374-21379 (2013).
- Peng Wan, Lih-Mei Yang, and Jian Liu, "All Fiber-Based Yb-Doped High Energy, High Power Femtosecond Fiber Lasers,," Opt. Express 21, 29854-29859 (November 2013).
- Peng Wan, Lih-Mei Yang, and Jian Liu, "High Energy 2 µm Femtosecond Fiber Laser," Optical Engineering 53(5), 051508 (May 2014).
- Peng Wan, Lih-Mei Yang, Shuang Bai, and Jian Liu, "High Energy 3 µm Ultrafast Pulsed Fiber Laser," Opt. Express 23, 9527-9532 (2015).
Optical Fiber Communications
- Chuang Liang, Kim Fook Lee, Todd Levin, Jun Chen, and Prem Kumar, "Ultra Stable All-Fiber Telecom-band Entangled Photon-Pair Source for Turnkey Quantum Communication Applications," Optics Express Vol. 14, No. 15, 6936, 24 July 2006.
- Y. Takashima,1 L. Hesselink,1 J. Liu, and L. Yang, "Novel Optical Architecture for High Capacity and High Data Transfer Rate Holographic Data Storage," CLEO 2011, paper JMG7.